Nancy Nicholas

Have you ever woken up in the middle of the night feeling anxious? 

I have. 

In fact, about twenty years ago, I spent two years of my life in a near constant state of anxiety. Between taking care of my four-year-old, teaching elementary school, and navigating a new marriage, my adrenals were shot. Add on to that, my work as a Reiki Master was increasing my physical empathy, draining my already strained system even further.

In short, I was a hot mess.

Thankfully, I came across several amazing healers and teachers who helped me understand what was happening in my system and taught me the tools to heal myself. I fell in love with self-care, learning how to take care of my own energy system and developing my intuitive gifts, eventually getting certified as a life, career and spiritual coach.  Gathering tools from a variety of modalities ranging from psychological to spiritual, I found I had a knack for helping others to tap into their deepest truths to bring healing into their own life. 

Today twenty years later, I’ve worked with children to elders from all over the world on relationship, health, career, business, and creative challenges. I love helping my clients to see the deeper story in their life circumstances and teaching them the tools to create what they want instead. 

I’d love to help you do the same.

To learn more about my work (and read some fan mail from my former and current clients), please visit my website: Creative LifeWays

I offer a free 30-minute discovery call for those interested in learning more about how I can help. Use the contact form below and I’ll be in touch soon! 

Much love, 

